Wynn-Frame Interview, Our Paternal Grandparents

This interview is about our collective memories of our paternal grand parents, William and Rosa Wynn. As far as we know, they lived their entire adult lives in Huntsville and in the Huntsville area. William passed away when we were...

Angelique Green-Manning and Richard W. Green A conversation with the Good Bishop…My Dad

Angelique Green-Manning: 2020-08-12 14:52:49 This conversation was with my father, Richard W. Green, 75 and me Angelique Green-Manning, 56. We talked about his memories, his family, fatherhood.

Patricia Gregory and Alex Wu

Creating Community Through Sharing Stories: Born and raised in France, Patricia Gregory talks about her French childhood and family memories. Wanting to travel to America ever since she was young, she shares her first impressions of America, her experience eventually...