Ross Smith and Aaron Knight

Ross Smith (52) and his partner, Aaron Knight (50), talk about becoming foster parents. They also discuss some of the challenges and highlights they have faced through the fostering and adoption experience.

Grandma and Grandpa McCort

This interview is with my paternal grandparents, asking them questions about their past and present life.

English interview

I️ Interviewed my grandma mostly about her childhood and upbringing

Interview with Dad.

In this interview, I talk with my father about his and my childhood.

MAHSThanksgivingListen – Samuel Law & Steve Law

My father and I sat down and talked about his time growing up and parenting.

The Challenges of a Father

We talked about my dad's childhood life, and any regrets/hard moments in his life.

Gabriel Sandoval

We discussed a variety of topics such as Gabriel Sandoval’s life as a child and teen. We also discussed the work he’s done to get where he is today. He was the first of 8 children to be born in...