Time with my mother in law.

Conversation with my mother in law about family, holidays and thanksgiving memories.

Interview 11/27/18

I interviewed my father about his experiences in life.

Life In Another Country

My mom and I talk about where she grew up and how her childhood was like.

Thanksgiving interview

I interviewed my grandma who is 70 years old and my mom’s mom. We talked about family and how her life was with kids.

Javed Chaudhary

I sat down with my uncle Javed Chaudhary to learn a little bit about his life and our family history.

My grandma’s story

We talked about what is important in life, as well as what it is to be a happy person.

Serena Melder and Kate Young

One Small Step conversation partners Serena Melder (40) and Kate Young (47) talk about choosing what you believe, manipulation, the way faith brings peace, living in a Christian cult, and finding your power.

Georgia Schell and Linda Hathaway

One Small Step conversation partners Georgia Schell (75) and Linda Hathaway (77) talk about being gay, nature vs. nurture, adoption, and big pharma.

From Generation to Generation
November 23, 2018 App Interview

Christopher’s mom talks about her childhood experience to her adulthood as a mom of her two kids. In this interview, she shares the importance of one’s connection with others and the world around her.

1989 – Loren & Veneta Lesher

Loren (age 94) and Veneta (age 90) have been married 71 years. They are sharing stories from each year of their lives together. This interview covers the year 1989.

Interview with my Grandpa

This is an interview with my grandpa, Eduardo, where he talks about his childhood, lessons he’s learned, and obstacles in his life.

Talking Life With Gabe Howard

Gave and I had a great conversation about his life revolving around sports, his past, some great advice, and how is outside life is.

The history of family, friends and heritage.

During this interview I communicated with my significant other about her past experiences in life and specific things she knows about her family history.

Beverly Klein and Jackie Klein in Holcombe, WI

Jackie Klein (62) talks with her mother, Beverly Klein (82) about her life in Northern Wisconsin.

Daughter Interviews Mother About A Variety Of Topics

Sierra (daughter) interviews Becky (mother) in Derry, New Hampshire. They talked about goals and bucket lists. They talked about what Becky is most proud of. They talked about passions, memories and weird circumstances. They also talked about the hardships Becky...

Learning about other Generations: Uncle Gary talks with his nephew, Keegan about his life growing up in Flint, Michigan.

In this interview, recorded in November 2017, in Henderson Tennessee, Keegan Maguffee(16) gets to spend his Thanksgiving interviewing his Uncle, Gary Mcknight(63). Keegan asks what Gary's was like while living in Flint, MI. Gary tells Keegan what following what you...

Shawn Richard-Davis and Rell Be Free

Shawn Richard-Davis (61) discusses her upbringing with her child Rell Be Free (30). Shawn describes growing up in Seattle and the impact of participating in Seattle's school busing program.

Natalie Gomez interviews aunt

In this interview, Natalie Gomez interviews her aunt Norma on April 29th, 2020 about her life struggles, what she’s gone through and how she overcomes them. Norma appreciated that her father gave her a roof and food but not they...

Laura and Mathew talk about how it was when she was growing up.

The interviewee Laura demonstrates gratitude as she is able to be thankful for the many things that have gone on in her lifetime. She also spoke very honestly even when some of the questions that were being asked were very...