September 11, 2001

Questions describing the time period during 9/11

9/11 Oral History

This interview was about the on-site about 9/11 that someone who experienced it firsthand.

My Dad’s 9/11 Experience

In this interview, the topic of 9/11 and the history of terrorism was briefly discussed, as well as my father's personal experience with the impactful event.

9/11 Interview
September 12, 2021 App Interview

An interview with my mom about the events of 9/11

9/11 Interview with My Mom
September 11, 2021 App Interview

My mom described how she felt watching the news unfold on TV.

A Bostonian’s account of 9-11

9-11 attack told in the perspective of a Bostonian.

9/11 interview for apush summer work

This interview of the events of 9/11 and experiences of the traumatic day is by Olivia Mendelsohn (16). She interviews her dad, Scott Mendelsohn (52).

About immmegration after 9/11

her thoughts of 9/11 as she came to america 3 months after

Interview with my uncle about 9/11

My uncle explains his extremely interesting opinions about terrorism in the United States.