Interviewing the person I’ve know my whole life… but I don’t really know, my mom

For a school project we had to interview someone in our lives and I choose my mom, so this is that a whole 45 minuets of a child and a mother learning more about one another!

My Mom

We talk about how the world has changed, her happiest memorie, family traditions, and her greatest accomplishment.

Who impacts your life the most?

In this interview, Pam Cooper discusses what she’s most proud of, and her religious beliefs. She also shares what she wants to be remembered by.

How well does my best friend know me?

I asked my friend 7 questions about me to see how well she actually knows me. She did pretty well, only missed a part of one question.

Leo Skinner – Chinanteco Linguist

Interview with Leo Skinner, a Wycliffe translator and linguist with the native Mexican Chinantec people

Interview with Brittany Jacobs and Gavin Miles

Interview with Brittany Jacobs and Gavin Miles the day after confirming they are having a baby

The Days My Father was Arrested

Firtuna’s dad was arrested for religious reasons, and he also lost his father. He ran away to the border of the country to get his freedom. Firtuna and her family followed him.