“It was a better use of my life.”

Father Frank DeSiano calls himself a "lifer." He entered the Paulist junior seminary as a teenager. That was more than 45 years ago. He's a noted leader in evangelization or sharing of the Catholic faith. Father Frank has been the...

Family History

The person I interviewed was my mom because of her background I felt she would have good stories to tell us. Throughout the interview she talked about her childhood,struggles, and family struggles. Welcome to her life and being part of...

Peter Baker and Chris Brookes

Chris Brookes (73) interviews her friend Peter Baker (57) about growing up in Chicago and coming to Lake Ivanhoe, a Black community in southeastern Wisconsin. Peter relates the history of the community from its founding in 1926 up to the...

The great Thanksgiving listen

Me and my dad talked about some of his childhood memories and relation with his parents.