Family journeys

I interviewed my Ant Liz about her childhood and what her life was like growing up

All About My Grandmother.

In this recording I learn quite a few things about my grandmothers childhood, political views, and life lessons. She shares information about her family before my her kids and also looks upon her achievements in life.

Shantelle ( moms interview )

I take a second to get one on one about my moms life in great detail. From her childhood, to her favorite thing about me ! Great bonding experience.

Defecting from Czechoslovakia with Irene Rosen and Kristin Koznarsky

Irene Rosen defected from Czechoslovakia at 11 years old. Her family’s clever escape from the Communist regime showcases the trials and tribulations of immigrants in the 1970’s. She reflects on her experience and elaborates on her unique story.

Granny and Elizabeth

In this interview, we touched on topics all the way from childhood to motherhood. We discussed many different aspects that effected Joann throughout her life.

CI 5310 Blog Post 4 Interview

During this interview we discussed David’s thoughts on himself, a little bit about his childhood, and then switched perspectives to talk about myself.