Opa 11/30

A little talk with my grandfather about his life and his memories during Thanksgiving (the great listen 2019)

The Great ThanksGiving listen with Hector Becerra (My Dad)

My dad talks to me about some of his memories of his time in Mexico as well as some of his memories of me after we moved to Mexico (A problem occurred in the middle of the recording where it...

Grandpa Chuck’s childhood antics

Grandpa Chuck talks about all the things he used to do when he was a kid in Hawaii.

Personal Narrative Interview

Our teacher, Ms.Kosover assigned us to interview our partner and ask about the topic, they chose for their personal narrative and other questions.

Interview with my mom

We talked about my mom’s childhood hometown and what it was like, her childhood nickname and how she got it, the worst thing she did as a kid, and lastly, her best/worst memory.

Jesuit public speaking interview fall 2017 Chris Morel

I, Chris Morel, (17) interview with my mother, Amy Morel, (51) about her life. She also talks about her childhood and being raised by a single mother for much of that time. She goes into her relationship with my father,...