Ariana and Mamama

n this interview, conducted on November 25 2018 in Santa Monica, California, Ariana Mousavi (13) interviews her grandma, Lourdes (Lula) Badkoubei about her childhood and growing up in Arequipa, Peru. She had hobbies like hanging out with siblings, camping and...

Why I Worked for Amway for 25 Years!

Helping others achieve their dreams, goals and their highest potential! Highlights of my 25 year career at Amway Corporation and promoting Nutrilite and Optimal Health around the world!

Crystal reflects on her life, culture, family, and motherhood.

Jordy asks Crystal about growing up as a first-generation child and her childhood. He also asks questions reguarding her adult life as a mother and influences in her life.

Nana always knew she wanted to be a nurse.

Nana and I talked about her childhood, what it was like growing up in New Jersey, her time as a nurse, and about our relatives.

Brandyn Martinez Interviews his Mom(Shelly Griffith) under multiple questions

We talked mostly about how my mom was and where she was from. We also talked about some memories about me and how I was like growing up. Finally we talked about one of the most difficult times for her...

The Great Thanksgiving Listen 2017

In this interview my mom and I talked about her childhood and how she was growing up. We also talked about what she wants me to do in my future and how she wants me to be successful.

Interview with my mom about my childhood

My mom talks about how my brothers taught me how to ride a bike at age 3, and how they influenced me to be the person I am today.

Great American listening project.

Interview with my mother. She talks about what her family was like. What traditions she had, where she lives and how life was different.


We talked about my grandpa traveling in the navy and what it was like as a child. We also talked about how he got to this country. (He has dementia so some things might have been repeated).