My Great Grandparents

We talked about what my great grandparents were like and what my grandpas life was like while he was growing up.

interview with katrina

this interview took place in hermosa beach, california on november 27. i interviewed my mom, katrina pearl, about her life. her early life, she was a very athletic child who enjoyed sports. her teen years were stressful but her parents...

Papa and Arielle

My Papa talks about how our family immigrated from Guyana to America. He talks about his childhood in Guyana, and transitioning to the United States as an adult.

A Fish out of Water

In the beginning, Michelle talks about the difficulties of adjusting to a new environment. Then, the topic smoothly transitions into one consisting of wisdom that can be applied all throughout life.

The Great Thanksgiving Listen (take 2)

I was interviewing my mom about her life in India and how it changed since she moved to the US with my dad. In short, she lived in Hyderabad, a huge metropolitan city in India, and while there she enjoyed...

Sidney Davis and Dorothy Garza

Dorothy Garza (63) interviews her friend Sidney Davis (75) about how he beat cancer, what it was like being incarcerated for over 30 years, and the ways in which God influences his daily life.

Dads story and bonding

Me, and my father Paul, talked about various topics such as our past memories and adventures, as well as both of our difficulties and successes in life.