Interviewing Grandma

A story of growing up in the 1940s. Dani Miller,age 14, interviews her grandma, Joyce Quinn in Los Angles,CA. You will learn about her religion, careers, teachers, family members and hobbies through this interview. You will also hear about her...

My Aunt’s Nursing Journey

November 26, 2020, recorded in the Bay Area, California by Sophia Goyena; I interview my aunt, Rose Castro, on her journey to becoming a nurse, and her current experience as a nurse- as well as some career and nursing advice.

54 Years of Crazy

Being in love can be difficult, hower if two people love each other so much they make it seem almost as if it’s easy. Just ask Anabelle and Richard Sher. Throughout their journey of being in love, Annabelle and Richard...

Advice from the older generation

In this interview, conducted in November 2018 in Los Angeles, California, Elizabeth Torres (16) interviews her older sister Melissa Cohen (23) about her job experience she’s gone through. Melissa shares stories about how she started working when still in high...

Growing up in California with Immigrant Parents

Speaking to Alicia Soto about her childhood growing up in California with Immigrant parents. This was recorded in Orange California in April 23, 2020. Alicia is 44 who came to the United Stated when she was 3 and tells her...

Thanksgiving Listen with Tatum and Kathleen Nyhuis

In this interview I, Tatum talk with my grandma about everything from her scholarships to college to her experience having breast cancer as a young mother.

Kathryn Locke

Life story, including vacations, Kansas life, college, Los Angeles, first job, forks in life’s road, and family.

Refreshing Family Memories

An interview with my dad about his life and what he has learned. My dad explains what he wants me to take away from life itself, as well as how to be happy.

The Time My Dad Immigrated to the U.S.
September 13, 2019 App Interview

I, Summar, interviewed my father, Gus/Ghassan, about his experience as an immigrant coming from Jordan to the United States for college.

“Joie de Vivre” – An interview with Saralinda Bell

This is an interview between me, Sumner Bell, and my mother, Saralinda Bell. We talked about her childhood, college experience, and how she decided to study linguistics and deaf education.

Interview with a 75 year differences

This interview contains a conversation between 14 year old and his 91 year old grandfather. We discuss family values, traditions, religion, growing up in different times, and his life.

Valentina Deng and her mom Maggie share some comments on life

In this interview, recorded on November 2020 in Alamo, California, Valentina Deng (13) interviews her mom, Maggie Deng (53) about life. Maggie talks about how school has had a big impact on her life, and how all the hard work...

Painting My Problems

Elliot, a struggling art college student, with social anxiety reminisces through his childhood years and his tough relationship with his father.

My Mom

What was talked about was family and people who influenced others in diffrent ways

A time for change

“It was a time when I felt free.” said Heidi Miller, during the first minute of the interview. On January 6th, 2020, Ella Miller interviewed her mother, Heidi Miller, about living in the 1990s and moving to Los Angeles after...

Jake Rongholt interviews Stacy

We talked about how she got to Full Sail. Dived into what she does outside of this program and finally what family meant to her.

Interviewing My Aunt: Rania Kadri

Interviewing my mom’s sister, an aunt of mine that I have always been close with. I found out there is a lot more to her than I thought.

Never wanna leave

Ellie Phillips and Pam Phillips. Pam is my mom, I am 15 years old. Man-of-war can rarley kill humans but when attacked by a whole school it is more likely, my mom learned the hard way. The best part was...

Sophie Traube and her friend Max Hobhouse talk about the last seven years of his life.

In this interview, Sophie Traube interviews her friend and brother’s best friend, Max Hobhouse. They talk about their friendship, Max and Jack’s (Sophie’s brother) friendship, and his new life here in California for university after growing up in England. Max...