Arian Velazquez-Ornelas and Elizama Velazquez

Arian Velazquez-Ornelas (42) platica con su mamá, Elizama Velazquez (56), de sus experiencias creciendo en México y los Estados Unidos. Hablan de la familia, el amor, y la comunidad que comparten en ambos lados de la frontera. [Arian Velazquez-Ornelas (42)...

El Abuelo Con Cabello Blanco

In this interview conducted, In April 2018 In Santa Ana California, Perla Lozano interviews her grandfather Jose Rocha. My grandpa and I talked about how he felt when I was born since I was his very first granddaughter, how his...

Mi intrevista con mi Pador Amador Reyes

I love my grandpa I asked him a few personal questions lol anyway we all did a very good job so yay that was are interview and thanks to my translator Gabriela and also also my aunt

Guadalupe Arreola and Ericka Jaramillo

Los colegas Guadalupe Arreola (39) y Ericka Jaramillo (31) hablan sobre su experiencia como médicos, los desafíos del covid-19, y la importancia de hablar y planificar para el final de la vida. [Colleagues Guadalupe Arreola (39) and Ericka Jaramillo (31)...

Interview with my parents

In this interview, conducted on November 2017 in Vestavia Hills, AL, I spoke with my parents about their childhood and their families. They each spoke about their families, telling stories of their siblings, parents, and grandparents. They both talked about...

Gricelda talks about her life in Richmond, raising a daughter while balancing two cultures, and her hopes for Richmond

This interviewed was done with the assistance of a translator. Gricelda talks about things she misses from Mexico (food!) and what types of culture events would be fun to incorporate into life in Richmond. She also talks about how she...

Olivia Hernandez and Esmeralda Alday

Friends and colleagues Olivia Hernandez (65) and Esmeralda Alday (40) share a conversation about the importance of bilingual education in schools, building connections through plática, and the power of language to strengthen one's relationship with their identity, culture, and community.

The Story of Her

On November 27, 2022 I interviewed my best friend, Anselma Lopez, who grew up very different than myself in Sonora, Mexico. She is 24-years-old and is such a lovable person who has very intriguing stories. We laugh at our wonderful...