Nana Interview

Me and my Nana (Grandma) talked about her life experiences and the life lessons she has learned along the way! Very enlightening!

Nathan Buck and Therese Lewandowski

Nathan Buck, Providence Volunteer Program Supervisor, has an in-depth conversation with Therese Lewandowski, about his spiritual journey from being a midwest, gay alter boy in a Catholic school to an openly gay, happily married manager for a Catholic organization. Nathan...

Do you want to be loved?

Friends ask each other questions about being in love, feeling loved, and the expectations we have from future partners.

Interview of my Dad

Over my Dad’s 47 years of existence he has gone through many things. I learned more about family, love and his personal beliefs than I ever knew before.

Alaska, Appalachia and beyond: Paulist Father Michael Martin’s True Tall Stories

You can’t miss Paulist Father Michael Martin in gatherings of his community. He’s known as the “tallest Paulist.” His height exceeds a standard door frame. Walking with a cane, his is a commanding yet tender figure in the line of...

Leia & Braden

What we’ve learned from each other and how we met

“It was a better use of my life.”

Father Frank DeSiano calls himself a "lifer." He entered the Paulist junior seminary as a teenager. That was more than 45 years ago. He's a noted leader in evangelization or sharing of the Catholic faith. Father Frank has been the...

“It was as if I never heard that before…”

Father Steve Petroff is a kind of survivor on the spiritual journey--a model for anyone who believes that if you work hard and stay close to God, doors that appeared closed will open. Just before his ordination as a Paulist...