Mary Jane McMaster Kleyweg

Mary Kleyweg interview- Born during the Great Depression, raised during World War II, from farm life In Le Mars, IA to San Francisco, to Mississippi, to Chicago. The life of Christ and Family.

Lexi Surbaugh and Her Grandfather, William Surbaugh

Lexi Surbaugh: 2021-01-17 20:35:48 Lexi Surbaugh and Her Grandfather, William Surbaugh Talk About Their Lives and Upbringings

12/8 neighbor
December 8, 2019 App Interview

Talking about the past and how experience is what makes and develops a person

Northern Minnesota Village Girl

What my family, home, and community were like when I was growing up... NOTE: There is an error of WHO the interview is labeled for, at the very beginning. It is NOT for Estelle Lewis in Nashville, but rather it...

Identity and Faith: Growing Up Gay in the LDS Church

Tracey Fluegel (55) tells her son Oliver Fluegel-Murray (18) about her young adulthood after growing up in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Going into her struggles in discovering her sexuality and identity while in a culture that...

Shirley and Nancy

Conversation and coffee on Joppa Avenue. Sisters recount sharing a childhood bedroom in St. Paul to traveling Europe together; reflect on family and influences.

Aditude of gratitude interview

We talked about my mom’s memories and everything she is great fun for. This included her childhood memories in Minnesota and of her family.

Hali Calzadillas Andujo and Elliot [No Name Given]

Partners Hali Calzadillas Andujo (29) and Elliot [No Name Given] (24) share a conversation about their work in legal and immigration services, their upbringings, and Hali’s experience growing up as an undocumented immigrant in New Mexico.