A Young Artist Gets A Miracle!

That morning I wished that I could meet with the famous band and network with them. That night I was on stage singing with them! A miracle in Monterrey and in my life as an artist.

Lenora Williams Hameed Omenka

Lenora Williams Hameed Omenka [no age given] shares her experience as a caregiver to close friends and family members with breast cancer and the importance of caring for one's self in caring for others. She shares how these experiences led...

Interview with Terence Hughes

Interviewing my dad and asking him questions about his work and his life.

Marion Hoyt (Grandma 82 yr) and Dan Higgins (Grandson 32 yr) in Grand Central Terminal, 2007 near Christmas.

Marion talks about her life, especially her younger years. A special story about Christmas, stories she would tell me as a kid (about her grandma). Her experiences as a home away from home for West Point Cadets. Grandma was the...