
I interviewed my mother, Deborah Lake, about herself and her childhood and my childhood and what being a parent meant to her and both of our futures.

Mimi’s History

Martha Wade is 73 years old and my grandmother. She was born in Florida. She worked as an interior designer. She had my father but then got divorced and has lived alone ever since.

Grandad’s 99th Birthday

We talked about Grandad’s 72 year marriage, his experiences during WW2, and life in small town Georgia.

Great Thanksgiving Listen: Krista Costa
January 14, 2021 App Interview

I interviewed my mom for this interview as I’ve always felt interested in her childhood (1970s and 1980s). During this interview she talked about the fads of her youth, the socio-political climate the 70s/80s, and the things she misses most...

A conversation with Mom

Mom talked about what life was like growing up as well as family memories. And a funny bit about southern names.