Catherine and Grace discuss local food

I sat down with my roommate Catherine to discuss her family’s relationship with local food and her thoughts about the importance of eating locally in promoting sustainability.

Marney and David discuss preparing for the climate emergency

Marney and David speak on the importance of community togetherness when it comes to dealing with the climate crisis. Through envisioning the future, behavior changes, and open conversations climate goals can be achieved.

Lindsey and Joseph discuss sustainable changes in Ann Arbor
January 31, 2022 App Interview

A conversation about how one neighborhood came together as a community to fight climate change. A shift to electric vehicles, solar power, alternative lawns, local shops, and the importance of education and fighting social barriers.

Taras Chicz and Isabel Mezei discuss preparing for the climate emergency

Taras and Isabel discuss the associations with stress and attention fatigue that the climate crisis has. Coping mechanisms, and emotional challenges were also discussed.

Liz and Kim discuss local food

CSA’s that didn’t go according to plan and the benefits of the local food system beyond that of the actual food.

Mish and Esti discuss local food

Mish and Esti talk about food systems status quo and ways to improve it

William Lowry and Nicole Planken discuss preparing for the climate emergency
November 15, 2021 App Interview

Nicole and I have a conversation regarding the climate crisis and resource descent. Drawing from both personal experience and class materials, Nicole shares her findings on how to keep calm and carry on.

Ben and Nick Discuss Preparing for the Climate Emergency

Ben(21) talks with Nick(21) about his hometown of Durand and what things have been going on in his community to combat climate change and how Michigan may change/adapt in the future.

McKinley and Jordan discuss preparing for the climate emergency

We discuss how climate change can impact stress and directed attention fatigue and how that may influence our ability to address the climate crisis. In addition, we discussed how we can shape our environments and our behavior to cope with...

Dominick and Mackenzie discuss local food

Mackenzie and Dominick discuss local food from a past perspective growing up in different areas of the U.S. and how the local food experience has changed since coming to college in Ann Arbor, MI.

Anjali & Erika discuss preparing for the climate emergency
November 17, 2021 App Interview

Anjali and Erika take a dive into the emotional aspects of the climate crisis. They discuss emotional challenges that are present during this time as well as different forms of coping. Practicing yoga and taking walks are just the beginning.

Livi and Kiana discuss local foods

Livi talks about accessibility of local foods, farmers markets, and moving to a new city one day.

Olivia & Grace discuss local food!

We discussed how Olivia’s relationship with local food has changed as she’s grown up and moved to a different city. We also addressed common barriers that people face when trying to access local food.