Aditi Iyer (14) interviews her grandmother in India, Shantha Dhandapani (70) about her upbringing and her previous jobs.

In this interview, conducted on January 5, 2023, in Canton Michigan, Aditi Iyer interviews her grandmother Shantha Dhandapani (70) about her childhood in India and her work life. She talks about the different jobs she worked in and how it...

Life Story interview with Ben Zarzecki and the writer of his Life Story, Tommy Gibbons.

A writing contest was held for the 5th grade class at All Saints Academy in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Out of 15 students, Tommy won the contest and received $500 towards his elementary tuition by the contest sponsor, Heritage Life Story...

Life Story interview with Pastor Darrell Delaney and the writer of his Life Story, Eli Bult.

A writing contest was held for the 5th grade class at West Side Christian Elementary in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Out of 35 students, Eli won the contest and received $500 towards his elementary tuition by the contest sponsor, Heritage Life...

Me, My Grandpa And The Detroit Tigers

This is a touching story about Bill Fundaro as he talks about his life through the years. The main topic is his family and his many jobs he has had throughout his life. He is currently celebrating his 50th consecutive...

Halle Heineman interviews Aarna Patel about her life and memories from when she was young.

Aarna Patel shares some of her most important memories and lessons she has learned in life. She elaborates on her family and why they are so important to her with interviewer Halle Heineman.