How does God’s presence shape our lives?

A spiritual director talks about her experiences and God's hand shaping her life. At the very end she proposes a helpful way to look for and describe God's presence in daily life.

“I really loved the preaching…I just kept coming back.”

Once, when Father Matt Berrios was a teen, he missed joining his family for Mass. He looked up an alternative and ended up at the Catholic Information Center in Grand Rapids, Michigan. It's run by the Paulist Fathers. It was...

A Conversation of a Vocational Journey

A conversation with an Episcopal priest about his sense of call and how it has changed over the years.

Chuck Witschorik and Colleen Dunne

Friends Chuck Witschorik (45) and Colleen Dunne (50) talk about their spiritual lives and their experiences in the Catholic Church. They reflect on their work, on building community, and on practicing honesty in their faith.

A student affairs professional works out of his faith to help students respond to the larger than life questions.

Nick describes the ways in which he sees God in his work. Many times it's a matter of being an affirming presence for those who have not experienced that in their lives.