
My boyfriend talks about his childhood, divorce, diabetes, and other fun topics

Lizzie Hessek and Veronica Fischmann Talk About Stability and Drama During a Pandemic.

Lizzie Hessek (31) and Veronica Fischmann (32) - best friends since ages 11 and 12 - talk about their current lives during the COVID-19 pandemic. Veronica is back living in her childhood home, Lizzie is living alone for the first...


Jenny Madox talks about her experience as a child going through her parents divorce and all that came with it.

Gary Baribeault and Lee Wilder

One Small Step partners Lee Wilder (72) and Gary Baribeault (62) share a wide-ranging conversation about geopolitics, discussing politics with family, and their perspectives on voting safety.

The Great Listen 2017

Talked about some of the men who helped shape how he developed as a young man and how one of the biggest things he regrets is how he didn’t treat people right including his Ex Wife who he divorced because...