Morgan Hafen: WWCC Conversaciones culturales con Isa Vergara. June 2, 2021.

Morgan Hafen(17) talks to her close friend Isa Vergara(17) about Isa’s parents migration from Chile and Mexico.

Carolyn Bergman and Cecelio Flores talk Life and Immigration.

Carolyn Bergman, a learning Spanish student, practices her Spanish comprehension by discussing with Cecilio Flores about his experiences and inputs on the immigration process of the U.S.

Patricia Pinto and Dr. Jose Wiley | La Creme Angels Inc.
September 4, 2020 App Interview

Spanish interview featuring La Creme CEO Patricia Pinto and Dr. Jose Wiley speaking about the important myths and realities of the novel coronavirus. Brought to you by La Creme Angels and La Creme Modeling & Acting Agency. @lacreme @lacremeangels