Juanita Cross

Experience of being black in the Sourh during segregation.

Suzanne McLean and Mary Male
January 19, 2017 App Interview

Suzanne's faith began with singing in the choir and has led to her leadership in providing shelter services for the homeless throughout the community. Building community is part of everything she does, and she's learned to do that at Peace...

Interview with my dad

A short interview about how my father would sing and people would come see him perform.

Norm Loewenthal and Stefani Priskos

Stefani Priskos speaks with Norm Loewenthal about his involvement in the Triangle Threshold Singers, a group that sings for individuals on the thresholds of living and dying in North Carolina. This conversation was held via Zoom due to concerns surrounding...

Dyker Singers Stories – Tina Advocat

Tina shared personal stories about how music has been a strong part of her life and how her relationship with singing has evolved.

A Young Artist Gets A Miracle!

That morning I wished that I could meet with the famous band and network with them. That night I was on stage singing with them! A miracle in Monterrey and in my life as an artist.