Social Studies Family Project

Religion and family are the main things involved. We all just love our family.

The great listen

We talked about her life and what she did as a child. We also talked about her life as an adult.

My life

Its an interview about the life and history of my friend

The great thanksgiving interview
November 27, 2018 App Interview

We talked about my grandmas childhood and biggest accomplishments

Interview with my mom

Today I got to interview my mom. We discussed questions about her job,her family, her parents, her children and advice that she would give me about raising my own children.


What she was thankful for and how she thought of herself and the life she has.

Brothers life growing up by Joanne Ortiz
November 30, 2017 App Interview

Older brother Jonathon downing lived a troublesome childhood but became a successful adult.

I jag learning about big brother chris

We don't really have much in out family during Chris generation and he did get called a looooot of names during his time. Great gram a was also very artistic. Find out everything during this interview