Chhayden Sorn and Hannah Lelis

Co-workers on the intake team for Providence share their experiences in their work and lives. There is comradery on the team and their manager, Natalia is a good leader making for a great work environment.

Meredith Rowland and Liz Wessel

Meredith talks with her colleague, Liz, about her journey to her nursing career, starting in a veterinary clinic, the Army, and finally Cal State Fullerton. She and Liz talk about working in Home Health and the challenges, and joys of...

Sister Rita Bergamini & Molly Swain

Sr. Rita first lived at Providence Mount St. Vincent (The Mount) when she was a novice back in 1947 and later took her vows at the chapel there. After leaving for her first mission, she returned in 1972 and became...

Joey Kane and Storey Squires

A volunteer turned employee reflects on his time at The Mount since he was a baby and why this is a place of friendship and love for him.

Dolores Melchor and Crystal Tyni

Dolores and Crystal share what brought them to their current careers. Dolores shares why she became a C.N.A and talks about her transition from SNF to Home Health. Crystal shares why she became a nurse and her experience working for...