Interview for class Rhonda ( aunty) and Valshon

So basically this is an interview about the great thanksgiving listen where we learn about any person that is important to us

Ted Russell-Bridges

We talked about Ted's life in England, moving to Australia, and his relatives.

War On Terror – Iraq

War on Terror and how it affected my father

The red head girl behind me

The redhead girl behind me is Layla. I first met her in our team sports class. We were playing hockey and we ended up on the same team. I need someone other than sweaty boys to talk to so I...

Recording – 04-01-2024 22:18:09

My mother, Maria, and I talk about work, family, religion, and significant people in her life.

Interview With Dad!

Adriana (girl) is talking with her dad (boy) about his risky job.

Recording – 12-02-2023 20:22:08

My name is Bisma Naveed and the person I interviewed is my sister in law. In this interview I asked her about her life.