Marney and David discuss preparing for the climate emergency

Marney and David speak on the importance of community togetherness when it comes to dealing with the climate crisis. Through envisioning the future, behavior changes, and open conversations climate goals can be achieved.

Tyler and Chloe discuss preparing for the climate emergency
January 28, 2022 App Interview

Building a community in your neighborhood for environmental action. Small ways to engage, gain knowledge, and create accessibility to environmentally friendly behaviors.

Mattie Fegan and Heather Pennell discuss community transformation and adaptation in response to the climate emergency.

Mattie and Heather discuss how to tackle the issue of single-use plastics and recycling as a community in an attempt to help combat the climate crisis and help to reduce pollution in our communities. They also discuss challenges you may...

Jamey Carpenter and Amelia Smith discuss community transformation and adaptation in response to the climate emergency

We discussed public transportation, electric cars, and how to reduce the number of cars being driven. A few ways to make this happen is making public transportation more accessible and encouraging electric vehicles.

Blake and Kaylee discuss local food

Blake and Kaylee talk about eating local, eating sustainably, and the future of local food consumption. Blake shares his experiences with food growing up and how it has led to his career working on small farms.

Clara and Braeden Discuss Local Food

Clara and I discussed her experience with local food in different communities. We covered her time in southeast Michigan and out of state, and what the differences were in these communities, along with the struggles of supporting and taking advantage...

Jack Barshaw reflects on Psychology of Environmental Stewardship ENV361 2022
April 26, 2022 App Interview

Reflecting on reading This Civilization is Finished, as well as course concepts about Environmental Psychology, and a more sustainable future.

Alicia and Bev Discuss Preparing for Climate Emergency

Alicia and Bev discuss the necessary preparations for a climate emergency that we are currently doing and those which we should be doing.

Aaron and Caleb Discuss Preparing for the Climate Emergency

Caleb Geister (21) talks with his father Aaron (53) about the processes involved in reaching community-wide carbon neutrality. Aaron explains the behavior changes and team-based models his community used to reach net zero emissions.

Lindsey and Joseph discuss sustainable changes in Ann Arbor
January 31, 2022 App Interview

A conversation about how one neighborhood came together as a community to fight climate change. A shift to electric vehicles, solar power, alternative lawns, local shops, and the importance of education and fighting social barriers.

Rachel and Oliver discuss community transformation and adaptation in response to the climate emergency

Rachel discussed her involvement with the Office of Circular Economy and talked a little bit about their journey in promoting sustainable habits and the impact many small changes can have as a whole.

Alyson Gessner reflects on Psychology of Environmental Stewardship

Alyson (20) reflects on what she's learned in Environ 361: Psychology of Environmental Stewardship. She talks in detail about different types of knowledge, the necessity of feedback in interventions, and norm-based models.

Jordon Horton and Elkin Bayraktar discuss community transformation and adaptation in response to the climate emergency

Jordon Horton walks Elkin Bayraktar through a social approach to transformative behavior due to the climate crisis. In the interview, the idea of involving social action as well as engaging the youth in such practices is explored.

Lindsey Reflects on Psychology of Environmental Stewardship
April 26, 2022 App Interview

Reflecting on concepts covered in ENV361 and behavior change strategies designed to understand and encourage environmental stewardship. The unique strategies were discussed in terms of education and real life applications especially for looking into the future.

Ellie Sampson and Jeffery Sampson discuss preparing for the climate emergency

Ellie and Jeff talked about the importance of making sure that the source of education and information on environmental issues is not politically motivated. In addition, the interview consisted of topics surrounding who was involved in these meetings to create...

Sofia Azham reflects on Psychology of Environmental Stewardship

Sofia Azham discusses her approach to creating a neighborhood-level behavior change by combining EcoTeams and the Education Based Model. Her interventions emphasize the importance of procedural knowledge and creating a supportive environment in order to create a collective impact on...

Lesli and Aaron discuss local food!

Expanding our idea of local food to think about what our end goals are- supporting sustainable practices, workers’ rights, and communities- and whether our locally produced foods meet these goals.

Katie and Emily Lopez discuss preparing for the climate emergency

Emily talks with Katie about the ongoing climate crisis and how different communities are preparing for the crisis, as well as the differences of how each state is/should prepare.

Will and Alex discuss preparing for the climate emergency

During this interview, Will discussed ways his family is addressing climate change in their hometown of Albuquerque, New Mexico. From his brother becoming a vegan, to his Mom using her neurologist position to inform patients of the negative health effects...

Suha and Ella discuss discuss preparing for the climate emergency

Suha and Ella discuss the climate emergency. Ella has not yet made big changes to prepare for it, but we discuss potential plans of what she would like to do.

Aimee and Elisabeth discuss preparing for the climate emergency

Should a climate emergency happen, what does Aimee, a suburban Michigan resident, believe should happen?

Kim and Andrea discuss preparing for the climate emergency

My mom and I talk about what preparation looks like for families in the Midwest and what it looked like twenty years ago in Florida and how much climate emergencies have changed.