HCHS student, Grace Kennedy, talks with her former science teacher, Melissa Zinnecker, about her reading life and book recommendations.

During this interview, Melissa Zinnecker explains how her reading life has changed from her childhood until now. Through her family influences, schooling, and career, Melissa has found reading as a very valuable thing in her life to maintain. Reading has...

Lit Life: Mitchell Anderson and James Anderson discuss the relevance and significance of two novels.

In this recording, son and father discuss the life lessons and takeaways from the two books “The Picture of Dorian Gray” written by Oscar Wilde and “One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest” by Ken Kesey, and also how much of...

Lit Life: Philip Fan and Audrey Carter talk about The Things They Carried.

In this recording, high school seniors Philip Fan and Audrey Carter discuss the significance of storytelling in The Things They Carried by Tim O’Brien.

The Impact of Literature: Alec Hill and Bill Haarlow discuss their reading habits and a few impactful works of fiction.

In this interview, Alec Hill and Bill Haarlow, both high school seniors in Illinois, talk about the role of reading in their lives. Additionally, Alec asks Bill to recommend a few impactful pieces of fiction that he must read to...