Tony Link

In this interview, held on Thanksgiving Day 2015 in Buffalo, New York Jenna Russell (16) interviews her grandfather, Tony Link (83) about growing up. This interview is for the 2015 Great Thanksgiving Listen.


Chad Frade is an old friend and colleague. He is a tremendous support as a fellow educator and I sat down to talk about who has been supportive to him as an educator as well.

An Interview With My Inspiring Noni

Molly Tittemore (15) talks with her Noni (Sicilian slang term for "grandmother"), who is 79 years old. They discussed her childhood, and how the events of her childhood transformed her into the dynamic woman she is today. Her Noni believes...

A conversation with Anthony Blasini

A retired teacher discusses growing up in New York City, coming of Age during the protests of the 60's and the 70's as a gay man in post-Stonewall New York, teaching, traveling, history and the movies.

"I’m more of a painter in music than a musician" – Alan Semerdjian

Mara Jill Herman (Astoria) interviews Alan Semerdjian (Long Island) who makes meaning of his life through art. They discuss family influence, Armenian heritage, dialectic thinking, writing, music, and the art of educating.

First Day of School

First day back in school, specifically college. Nerve racking on the first day but towards the end of the day and onward she was very much more relaxed with where was was in. She hopes to graduate on time in...