The Love of my Parents

I ask my parents about their lives together since they were teenagers & how they thought it’d turn out compared to how life actually is today.

Interview with Grammy

Barbara Micheal- 70 years old (My Grammy) Natalie Bannon- 15 years old (me We discussed proud moments in life and am the differences that the world has made.

Donald Folsom is a Marine Corps Veteran that served during WWII.

Donald Folsom is a Marine Corps veteran of WWII who shares his experiences and how the war has impacted him and our country. He has had some difficult and hard times, but no matter what he loves our country.

Brenda talks about marriage and divorce.

In this interview, Brenda Kamigaki will talk about her marriage to Richard. She will also talk about the divorce she went through with him, and how it affected her as a person. She will also talk about her marriage to...

The Wild Hog of Eugene

I talk with my uncle Don about his life and his experiences in school, particularly the time he masqueraded around his college campus as the "Wild Hog". Apologies for the poor sound quality!

TheGreatListen2018-Izzy Skov

We talked about what their childhood was like. We also talked about their married life and raising kids together, and eventually grandchildren.