Growing Up in Saudi Arabia

My mom had a nice conversation with me about her experiences growing up in a foreign country and how her middle school life was

Grandma Interview!!

we talked about recollections of her life such as her favorite memories and some advice she has learned throughout her life.

Melisa K

My mom talked about the positive influences in her life and how that has affected her growing up. She always talked about where our family came from and her greatest accomplishments.


In this interview, conducted and presented on December 1st 2019, Chicago Illinois. Dana Arzate (17) interviews Mom, Maricruz Rodriguez (40) about her life and memories she has. She shares memories about her childhood and how she would’ve wanted a different...

My Dad’s wishes and desires

In this interview I sit down to talk with my dad. He tells me of deepest wishes and inspiration in life to keep moving forward in an interview for the ages.

My Mother, Anita Skomac

I interview my professional mother and music enthusiant Anita Skomac!

Until You Met Me

Yada Taepanicharoen(16) and her mother, Rachel Taepanicharoen(51), talk about her life's significant moments. She shares some of her hopes growing up and a snippet into rough times in her young adult life. Her answers reflect the love she has for...