Hard Days are Just a Moment

Ryan tells us about his childhood in Richfield, Utah and how living in a small town taught him how to work hard.

History Project

My mom has been through a lot in her lifetime, from immigrating to America to becoming a mother of three. She has been able to be the best mom and the hardest working woman I know although she has faced...

Learning About My Father – George Sabeh

My father tells me about how working hard and being flexible to different cultures and lifestyles is valuable in life, how he wants me to find happiness and be happy, and recounts his experiences. Immigrating from Venezuela to Syria to...

Mahala Earley’s Interview with Grandma

I decided to interview my Grandma, Mahala Earley. We talked about her early life as a child living in Pennsylvania. As well as some of her experiences moving to different states. We also talked about her family and her job....

Interview with Dad

We talked about influences surrounding you growing up and how they shape you to be the person you are.

Mom’s Life

I was able to interview my mother about her life, but especially about what amazes me most and that she got her college degree while raising four children.

Ryan Goodwin and Samantha de Dios-Goodwin

Ryan Goodwin (17) asks Sam de Dios-Goodwin (43) questions about her life, from growing up in the Philippines to being a mother and real estate agent in Arizona.

Lusharon Wiley and Ernest Dawson

Lusharon Wiley (70) and her fiancé Ernest Dawson (70) discuss Ernest's family, his time attending Pensacola High School during integration, being the first black football player on the team, his time at Tuskegee University and those who encouraged him along...