Richard Olchawa Ohava and Janet Hsieh

Spouses Richard Ohava (81) and Janet Hsieh [no age given] discuss their respective backgrounds, upbringings and their relationship.

Defining Happiness and Family

In this interview we talked about family, marriage, and happiness. We discussed why family is important and what our hopes are for one another.

Blair GreyBull and Jey Born

Blair Greybull AKA Purple Lace (73) talks to new friend and conversation partner Jey Born (45) about her journey to self-acceptance as a Transgender woman and her memories growing up on the Standing Rock Reservation.

Barbara Johnson and her grandson Jeremy McCollum in Seattle, WA

Barbara Johnson remembers life, faith, and family in Seattle from the 1930s until today with her grandson Jeremy McCollum.

Interview with My Uncle

I decided to interview my uncle because he grew up with 10 siblings and he grew up when things were very inexpensive and I thought that it was very interesting.

Torn Between Two Cultures: On Being the Daughter of Immigrant Parents

Loyola University Chicago MSW student Kate Dawson talks with her best friend of many years, Chloe Kilano, about growing up with two immigrant parents from Iran. The two reflect on Chloe's experience of being a first-generation college student while challenging...

Janet Richards and Michael Albrecht

One Small Step conversation partners Michael Albrecht (22) and Janet Richards (54) discuss how major health issues have shaped their lives, how their Christian faith is important to each of them, how conflicts within their religious communities have forced them...

Sarah Gray & Jack Delaney, Blood Transfusion Recipient & Formerly Anonymous Blood Donor "Everyone deserves it."

Sarah Gray, age 47, (Washington DC) blood transfusion recipient, interviews Jack Delaney (61), one of the 10 anonymous strangers who donated 1 of the units of the blood she received during childbirth in 2010. "I'd like to make a new...