Grandmother Ngyuyen’s Life in the Philippines & the Impact of the Vietnam War

My grandmother and I talked about her life in Vietnam before the Vietnam War. Then we talked about how it impacted her life and how she came to live in the Philippines.

Boris Mirkin’s Interview

Boris talks about his life in the Soviet Union and his experiences with the people aroun him. Boris contrasts his life in America to his life in Russia and why he believes the world is changing for the better.

“Life is about going forward into the future, not looking back into the past.”

Beyanka Vong, born in Vietnam, talks about the struggles she had faced throughout her childhood and her many different experiences. She constantly traveled around at a young age due to her parents' divorce and eventually led to her journey with...

Daniel and His Mom

Daniel has a friendly interview with his mom, discovering new things about her past. As he asks her questions, his mom reveals more and more about her life.

Interview with my grandpa

I interviewed my grandpa spoke about how he grew up, about family heritage, his military service and his work career