William and Eileen Henning

We talked about my life as a kid, and what my mother’s life was like. We also talked about times in both of our lives where we had been the most in trouble and when our parents were the most...

Christopher Hillman and Chase Schack

Friends Chris Hillman (38) and Chase Schack (37) talk about their friendship developing during the 1990s when AOL first emerged and during the time of internet dial up. They share memories of when they first met in-person and the evolution...

Jo Ann Convery Thanksgiving Interview

We talked about her childhood and what it was like growing up. We also talked about general things that she experienced throughout her life.

An Interview with my Grandma

An interview with my 89 year old grandma who talks about growing up on a farm in California and being married to a military man.

I’m interviewing my grandpa and he talks about events in his past and present

In this interview, conducted in Chicago, Illinois, Mary Nazzaro (14) interviews her grandpa, Michael Layton about his childhood in my home away from home, California. My grandpa shares stories involving his children and about his past work experiences.


This interview really shows where my grandfather came from and what his childhood was like. It also reflects what he knows all of his skills and talents in life