Storycorps Great Thanksgiving Listen

I asked my interviewee about her childhood memories, relationship with her parents, lessons she’s learned throughout school and work, how she met her husband, why she chose to live in Esko, how she wants to be remembered, and what she...

Nana and Papa’s Life

I (Cora, 15) interviewed my mother’s parents, Nana (Bonnie, 70) and Papa (John, 70). They talked about their time growing up as well as raising my mother.

101-Year-Old Arnold Duevel Talks about a Century of Life

Arnold Duevel talks about growing up in Central Minnesota. Born in 1918, he shares vivid memories of his childhood and teen-aged years. A decorated World War II veteran, Arnold has led a long and momentous life.

Interview with Nancy and Michael Anderson

Talked about many things including their parents, grandparents, what life was like growing up, school, holidays, and the military. Very interesting and learned a lot about my grandparents that I did not know.

Don Atkins: Growing Up in Rural Minnesota & Enlisting in the Navy (1935-1948)

Donald W. Atkins talks to daughter Michelle Atkins about growing up on a farm in rural Minnesota in the 1930s. Interview recorded in 2008 as part of the inaugural National Day of Listening.

Life as a woman in the 1930s

An interview with Mary Drewes on her mother’s life as a woman, wife, and mother in the 1930s.