Idaho Cultivating Success with Amanda Snyder

For almost 20 years, the Idaho Cultivating Success Program has provided production, marketing and business education for sustainable small farms and ranches across Idaho. Most recently, Idaho Cultivating Success launched a new program, Idaho Farm Link, connecting beginning farmers seeking...

Ed Field and Harriet Weber

Harriet Weber (65) interviews her friend Ed Field (74) about his upbringing, his family’s farm, and his experience operating feedlots.

John "Jack" Toevs Jr., Harriet Weber, and Nancy Warner

Friends and Colleagues, Nancy Warner (70) and Harriet Weber (65), come together to interview their friend, John “Jack” Toevs Jr. (82), about his contributions, experiences, and work in the agriculture and irrigation field. They also talk about the farmland of...

Kim Moriyama and Charles Minkler

One Small Step conversation partners Kim Moriyama (54) and Charles "Charly" Minkler (66) talk about their upbringing, political beliefs and their struggles as outsiders.