My Mother’s Childhood

I interview my mother about her childhood and school in the Philippines

Interview with my grandma

She talked about the jobs of her parents, and how they made her the way she is. She also talked about memories of her childhood.

My Grandma’s High School Experience

In this interview, we talked about high school experiences, advice, life advice, differences in high school back then vs. now, and more.

Devan Fink and his mother Jodi Fink talk about the emergence and use of cell phones in today’s society.

In this interview, conducted in December 2017 in Oakton, Virginia, Devan Fink and his mother Jodi Fink discuss how cell phones have changed the lives of millions. Mrs. Fink talks about life before cell phones, how her life has changed...

Admissions from Another Angle

College admissions from the angle of a high school admissions officer, why she keeps coming back, and the most rewarding aspects of her job.