The Life of Grandpa Danny

We talked about family and the importance of it. We talked about his job when my parents were growing up. And finally we talked about how religion and spiritualtiy and what that means to him.

Interviewing My Father on His Life

My father and I discuss his struggles in life, his experiences and other things.

Mom’s history

Mom talks about my childhood and hers as well

An interview with my father Zack Harmantzis

Happy memories, how my parents met and how life was lived through the years were discussed today in this interview with my father.

GTL 2017, CHS Keating

Joy Borowicz talks about her memories as a child, historical events she witnessed, and accomplishments as a parent.

Interview with Grandma Rita McPeake and Caitlin Dolorico-McPeake

Caitlin Dolorico-McPeake(17) talks with Grandma Rita(87) about her life and experiences. Discussed within are topics including (but not limited to) World War II, the Glass Ceiling, terrible cooking, the Italian Mafia, and the Korean Conflict.

interview with Larry and Chris

Chris and Larry who live in a dorm together discuss random topics about life and scenarios. we are both 18.