Interview With My Grandpa Herbert Prochnow

This interview is with my grandpa and I while we met during thanksgiving. We covered areas of his younger life, and I certainly learned a lot of things about him that I never knew!

Interview about the Lusitania and life in the 50’s

We talk about her family who was on the Lusitania, how it affected her, and how life was in the 50’s.

Interview With my Dad

My dad, Charles E. Johnson Jr., talked with me about him life growing up in the 1940s, 1950s, and 1960s. We discuss racism, segregation, life lessons, and family. We end on talking about the funny story of my birth.

My Mom’s Best Friend on Their “Unlikely” Friendship

My mom’s best friend tells me the story behind why she calls their friendship “unlikely,” starting from her childhood in Chicago during the late 1960s.

Living History Project: Peace

Interview by Cali Wilkinson of Toby Wilkinson to discuss the main idea of peace and human rights. A look into growing up in the 60s and the impact it had on her life to follow.