Lightning Strikes

This man, my grandpa, had his house struck by lightning and burnt down. Here is his story...

Ron Bucher early years

This is a story of Ron's experiences from childhood through graduation of high school.

Jenae Wright and Kelly Willmott

While in Michigan, Jenae Wright (31) talks to her friend Kelly Willmott (60) about living in Texas and differences between the two states. She moved to the state after living in Michigan for over a decade and now faces strains...

“I leaned on the horn… it was a different sound than burning wood”: Interview with Sharon and Fred Korty

Sharon and Fred, longtime residents of the Chicagoland area, invited me into their lovely Wheaton home to tell me the story of how they rebuilt after losing their home in a fire. They also shared stories of their travels and...

changing due to religious persecution

In 2001, my dad, Rodney Barnes traveled to China to work on the movie Rush Hour 2. During his work trip, he did not expect to witness a religious persecution. He witnessed the Falun Gong setting themselves on fire for...