Migration as a teen

This interview was about how my father migrated to the United States as a young adult. It shows the success and difficulties that he faced while migrating.

Summer in Japan

My mom’s summer as a student in Japan

Growing up in the 1970’s

Just how different do you believe the 70’s were? To answer your question they are very different. The people did not even dress the same as people now. Imagine living in a time where there was so little technology that...

Mila Johnson interviews her father Kevin Johnson about his childhood and experiences growing up.

In this interview, conducted May 2022 in Corpus Christi, Texas, Mila Johnson (14) interviews her father Kevin Johnson (37) about his childhood and experiences raising Mila. Kevins talks about his memories raising Mila, his own childhood memories, and the beginnings...

Entrevista con mi abuelo

A 13 minute interview with my grandfather about a couple topics


This was a test for storycorp

The Education Sensation

An insight to end of highschool, and leading up to it's end with a bit of what's happened in the end.