Ann Marshall and Terry Marshall

Spouses Ann Marshall (80) and Terry Marshall (80) talk about their advocacy, PeaceCorps, nuclear waste cleanup, and writing careers, reminisce about their travels, and reflect on their relationship.

John Babcock Part 1: “I testified against the Hells Angels”

This section is a brief introduction to John and his life. We discussed his career and how it affected his life. He talks about how he changed a young man's life and the school he built from scratch. John also...

Interview: Indiana to New York

I asked Carolyn Cohen about her life in Indiana. I also asked about moving to New York. We discussed the differences between the two and advice for people moving.

GTL Andrew Perry interviews Sharon Ibanez

In this interview conducted in Chantilly Virginia on November 26, 2017 Andrew Perry (15) interviews Sharon Ibanez (64) about her childhood and how she would like to be remembered for future generations. Mrs. Ibanez shares her life and how she...

The beliefs and life about my littler sister

My Interview is about the family and the life of my littler sister.

"I love you."

Dear pals, Lexie and Marina, talk about growing up in the Midwest, resonance with effeminate men, coming out as many things, hospitalization, the anthology "Written on the Body." The interview may or may not close with a lil song :)

Evaluating artistic potential with Jen Waldman

Mara Jill Herman (Astoria) interviews Jen Waldman (Manhattan) on May 12, 2021. They discuss early dance recitals, teenage enterprising, getting messy with Musical Theater, YoungArts, and adapting the Jen Waldman Studio to a thriving virtual community.