Imelda Brito and Pedro Hernandez

Don Pedro Hernandez (87) e Imelda Brito (66) hablan de la agricultura y el papel que juega en su comunidad. También platican del proceso de sembrar y cosechar en su tierra, los animales que cuidan y la pasión que tienen...

Allison Gallardo and her step-grandfather Rafael Jimenez talk about growing up in the Dominican Republic

In this interview, made on November 5th, 2018 in Whitehall, Pennsylvania, Allison Gallardo (15) interviews her step-mother's father, Rafael Jimenez (56). Together they talked about his childhood in the Dominican Republic; how his childhood was normal, how their school system...

Paula Baracaldo and Joe Walters

Partners, Paula Baracaldo (35) and Joe Walters (32), share a conversation about how they first met and their first impressions of one another. Paula also talks about coming to the United States from Colombia when she was twelve years old,...