Gary & Ken: Happy 50th Anniversary! Stonewall Inn, NYC, Gay Catholics, Equality and Missing Community

“We got what we wanted, but we lost what we had.” Ken Latch and Gary Trout of NYC had their first date just months after the Stonewall Riots. Today, they are happily married and find community in a welcoming Catholic...

Jeff Severson Talks About The Arrival of AIDS in New York City and his 40 years as an HIV survivor.

Jeff Severson (68) shares how his early years as an actor in NYC coincided with the arrival of the AIDS epidemic. He recounts the loss of two life partners from AIDS and his own HIV positive status. Jeff also talks...

Harold Kooden PhD for Stonewall Outloud (Part 2)

The year's following Stonewall, the AIDS crisis, the joining of AIDS organizations, and the creation of the UN's first openly gay NGO