My Grandma
November 1, 2019 App Interview

I decided it was time to learn more about my grandma so I sat down with her on a Saturday morning and asked some questions.

“This is my life — I am alive now.”

An interview with my father on life, change, and new understandings since his Alzheimer's diagnosis two years ago.

An Alzheimer’s Thanksgiving

In this interview I reflected on the past year and a half since the diagnosis of my father’s Alzheimer’s. It’s just me with some thoughts about the judgements people make about the way my family has attempted to navigate how...

Interview: My Mom

Here I interview my mother about her brief life in Ecuador and as that of an immigrant in the United States

Life of Lyn Jensen

A small summary of Lyn’s life and journey with her husband Hans’ Alzheimer’s illness. Such a powerful testament to Lyn’s faith!