Why do I like Aquaman instead of Wonder Woman? I didn’t know what was ‘wrong’ with me.

David Radford first had an inkling that he was gay at eight years old. While watching Super Friends, he found himself attracted to Aquaman – not Wonder Woman, like his friends. David discusses the Shreveport gay party scene, Southern Decadence,...

Ruth Lippman and Stefan Friedman

Ruth Lippman (97) speaks with grandson Stefan Friedman (41) about her childhood in the 1920s, creating a family, and advice she has for her great-grandchildren.

Jay and Robert

Gay life in the New York City theatre world in the 1980’s and the impact of HIV and AIDS

Fighting Discrimination against HIV/AIDS

We discussed our fight to end discrimination against people living with HIV/AIDS, back when Ann was doing this work in the 1980's, and when Marni was in the 2010's.

Kimberly Guthrie and Diane Conner

One Small Step partners Kimberly Guthrie (56) and Diane Conner (60) discuss their hobbies, backgrounds, and how being educators has shaped them.

Mason Cohen and Phillip McFarland

Mason Cohen, a high school student, discusses the childhood and childhood experiences for one of his educators, Phillip McFarland (Mr.McFarland).

November 8, 2017 App Interview

We discuss some question about fashion, such as the mean about fashion.

Oral History Project 1960s

This interview was with my grandparents about the 1960s and their experiences. They were both going through high school and college until graduation in 1968 and then got married in 1969.

Advancing the Culture

Elton Louie talks about his journey in the realm of fashion, design, and more. In this episode, the Santa Ana-based creative goes in depth into what it means to create and gives advice to those looking to follow a similar...

Talayeh: The Aesthetic

Taleyeh, Keyli and Jalyn are Highschool best friends in their Senior year. They mainly focus on understanding Taleyas passion for the Arts, especially photography. They talk about the internet’s impact on style and language.

Finding Meaning in Work and Life: Interview with Kevin Winge
September 12, 2018 App Interview

Interview with Kevin Winge of Minnesota discussing his many years working within the non-profit sector across various issues such as AIDS, HIV, food security, and about what inspires him to continue working.

Jessica Winowich and Rebekah Tucker

Friends Jessica Winowich (38) and Rebekah Tucker (39) talk about the first time they met, issues around accessibility, Jessica's fashion, and the challenges that come with managing autonomy while living with a physical disability.

APUSH INTERVIEW with my mom!_LilyDunkin

This is my mom’s history as seen through the lense of AP US History. Diane W dives most deeply into the racial conflicts as seen in her experiences through the Rodney King race riots in the 90s. Being a Women’s...

80’s to the 00’s

The difference in schooling and all sorts of things between the time of the 80’s and the 2000’s. We cover topics from transportation to fashion.

Emmalyn’s Interesting and Fun Childhood

Audrey borak and her grandma, talk about her grandma’s childhood and what life was like in the 1950’s. They discussed what Emmalyn’s teenage self would do on the weekends for fun. What the normal fashion trends were, and how they...