Halle and her dad

This interview is about a sacrifice that leads to a change in Dan Theriault's life.

Immigration From Italy to America, My grandparents Story

My aunt was speaking on behalf of my grandmother and grandfather (Nonno and Nonna). They had left Italy during the year of 1968, and traveled to Brooklyn NY, in order to provide for their family by working.

Father Shares Wisdom Gained Through Work in Local Government

Sean Morin, a 20-year-old student from Braintree, Massachusetts, speaks with his father, Peter Morin, 61. Peter Morin works as the town administrator of Norwell, Massachusetts, a small-town South of Boston. A career in law and government has taught him a...

Hugo van Waardenburg and Frank van Waardenburg

Frank age 98 on Providence Hospice, of Dutch Indonesian heritage born in east Indies shares reflections with his son Frank who lives with his father about serving in the Dutch Indonesian army and being a prisoner of war for three...

Dolph Simons Jr. and Crosby deMenocal

Crosby deMenocal (35) interviews his grandfather, Dolph Simons, Jr. (93), about their family's newspaper business in Lawrence, Kansas. Dolph describes the history of the business beginning with his grandfather, W.C. Simons, and details the transformation of The Lawrence Journal-World through...

Harry Freeman and Charles "Charlie" Pazar

Harry Freeman (80) speaks with his friend Charles "Charlie" Pazar (71) about Charlie's life, his career as an immigration judge, and their lunch group with themselves and several other friends.

Suzi [No Name Given] and Charles Bolton

One Small Step partners Suzi [No Name Given] (75) and Charles "Roger" Bolton (68) discuss their views on abortion, how history will view January 6, and whether impeachment proceedings against presidents help our country.

Blair Christensen and Darby Cain

[Recorded: Tuesday, April 2nd, 2024] Blair Christensen, a 22-year-old from Charlottesville, VA and Darby Cain, a 71-year-old from Sheffield, England, discussed their personal beliefs and values, including social innovation, climate change, and access to abortion. They shared their personal experiences...