Grandma’s Childhood.

In this interview I talked to my Grandma about her favorite childhood memories.

Story Corp (Natha Ostby)

A story of how my grandparents meet and my grandmas childhood.


My grandmother and I simply talked about her own personal life and a couple of history topics

My grandma -Finn

An interview with my grandmother about parents, children, siblings, and life overall.

What it Means to Work Hard – An interview with my Dad

I sat down with my dad to talk about his life and how he grew up. He started from basically nothing and took advice from those of a greater intelligence and applied it to his life and has become very...

The Great Thanksgiving Listen – Grandma Barb

Barbara Hilbush, my grandma and mother of three, speaks briefly about her experience growing up in a gender defined era, where it was hard for women to embrace independence and courage.