Summertime conversation with my Grandma T and my young kids

My Father's mom, Lavern Tomchak was known to everyone as "Grandma T." She passed away in the spring of 2017 after living every moment honest, frank, and hard working. This is my young kids Quinn (Age 6), and Oliver (Age...

Paul Schwer, PAE

An interview with Paul Schwer, the 4th president of PAE, in honor of PAE's 50th anniversary.

Grandma’s Childhood

In this interview I learn about my grandmother's childhood and how different things were back then.

Short Stories from Lavern Tomchak

Stealing pies, working to damn much, and the affection she had for her Grandmother, "Grandma T" recounts stories of growing up the good times, and the bad.

A grandmother's life from growing up during a war to having grandchildren

A grandmother goes through the details of her life, from the beginning when her family was heavily impacted by the World Wars to eventually having children and grandchildren.

The Working Life of Raymond Hollis Waterhouse

This interview was conducted on November 24th, 2017 with Tyler Manca (18) and his grandfather Raymond Waterhouse (82), who worked for many years in Portland, Maine. He details his experience as a child seeking work and as the owner of...

Kris Gibbons interviews her Grandmother about growing up in the 1960’s.

Kris Gibbons (19), a student at Eastern Michigan University, interviews her stepfather’s mother, Cindy Reed (75). Mrs. Reed talks about graduating high school in 1964 and working in a new industry- computers. She also discusses how growing up in several...