Mercedes Luz and Peter Singh

Peter Singh (16) talks with his grandmother, Mercedes Luz (70) about her childhood and growing up in the Philippines. Mercedes discusses her time in Iran during the Iran Iraq war as a nurse in a military hospital. She traveled across...

Grandma’s Journey from Boston to California

My grandma was born in Boston, and she later moved to New Hampshire. She attended University of Michigan when her husband Ian was fighting in the Gulf War. She remembers all of the political turmoil that was happening when she...

Interview with grandpa

On December 10th Anabella Wade interviewed her grandfather Jorge Leyva. He lived in Tijuana and went to school learning English. In Tijuana he met his love juanita Leyva and moved to America and had 5 children.

Growing up in Lebanon

This StoryCorps interview was about my grandmothers life growing up in Beirut, Lebanon and her move to Chicago, Illinois.

Harrison Watkins and Roselyne Swig

Harrison Watkins (33) reminisces with his grandmother Roselyne Swig [no age given] on her vast knowledge and experiences as a businesswoman, mother, and grandmother.

Closing into the Unknown Secrets of my Grandmother

In this interview, conducted on November 30th, 2019 in Valley Village, California, David Lee (이한빈) interviews his maternal grandmother Sang-shim Kim (김상심, ≈70), encompassing a variety of topics. She talks about her childhood, school, dream, marriage, daughter (David’s mother). She...

Soprano on her head

I ask my neighbor about her dog, singing, yoga, and how she found all those things in her life.


This interview is of my grandmother Margaret Koch about her life and her memories and her hopes for the future

Jane Clemmer shares about her childhood, love of her life, motherhood, and words of wisdom for future generations.

Jane Clemmer shares about being the only girl growing up, blind dates that turn into life long marriages, and the importance of family and friends. Stories about her children and grandchild are not only meaningful, but delightful.

Interview with my Grandparents, Toni and Alan Goldey

In this interview, we talked about my grandparents childhood, how they met, and how their different upbringings have brought different aspects to their relationship. Being apart of the Air Force, we discussed how this lifestyle of constantly moving affected their...